Hiii I'm Roos Fekkes,
that means:
I'm a creative driven by a passion for influencing perceptions and behavior. I aim to inspire people to look at every day topics from another perspective, by combining the familiar and the unexpected to surprise or even shock.
To me, creativity means finding alternatives to the common structures. I use my critical eye to question the world around me and ask a lot of questions. This results in thought-provoking work that secretly makes you laugh a little.

I'm drawn to subtle, often overlooked actions and objects that reflect social habits and cultural norms. This fascination is one of the reasons I enjoy working in restaurants; it gives me the chance to interact with a lot of people I might otherwise never meet. I also love to get lost on the internet to explore different views on topics and connections you might not see at first.
I thrive on solving problems and creating work that has a (social) purpose. I approach projects like a puzzle, composing the right people, places, emotions, objects or even sounds and smells, striving to create work that truly adds value to people’s lives. In my eyes, this can also mean a smile on someone’s face.
Currently, I'm in my final year of studying Advertising at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, while also working as a freelance designer and creative. I don’t limit myself to a specific medium or role, because I find inspiration in the exploration and combination of different fields. I do have a huge craving for challenge, so whether it’s a campaign, experience, or whatever else that sparks my imagination, I give it my full 100%.